Take Back the Night Needs You!
Send an e-mail to wiceducator [AT] gwwomenincrisis [DOT] org with your name, phone number and what volunteer positions you are interested in. We welcome volunteers of all genders.
We are still looking for people to fill the following positions:
Before the event:
- Postering
- Setup (arrive on site at Marianne's Park at 5 pm)
- Take Down (help to clean up after the march, from approximately 8-9 pm)
- Helping with crafts, sign-making and other fun activities, like Facepainting during the rally
- Marshalls for the march (we need at least 10 of you to help guide people on the march route, a short training will be provided)
- Handing out Glowsticks and Candles during the rally and the march
- Chant Leaders for the rally and march